Paper categories
Research Contributions: -
Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted simultaneously to any other conference or workshop that has published proceedings. Maximum length for the proceedings is 8 pages for full papers, 6 pages for short papers
Student Contributions: -
Doctoral / Masters Students are encouraged to propose papers on ongoing research. Please add "(Student contribution)" to the title. Maximum length for the proceedings is 6 pages for student papers.
Industrial Contributions: -
Authors from industry and government enterprises are welcome to submit original papers that describe their experiences, challenges, and applications in security. Maximum length for the proceedings is 10 pages.
Position Papers / Fast Abstracts / Poster Paper: -
Authors are also encouraged to propose position papers / fast abstracts on practical studies and experiments, critiques of existing work, emerging issues, and novel ideas under development. Maximum length for the proceedings is 4 pages for fast abstracts and position statements.
Tool Demos: -
Enterprises and research centers developing, implementing, or using security tools and frameworks are encouraged to propose application / tool demos. Maximum length for the proceedings is 4 pages for tool demos.