Registration Charges:
Registration Charges Early Bird Regular
Research Scholars/Students 2000 3000
Academicians 3000 4000
Industry Delegate 4000 5000
Foreign Delegate 40 60

  • Registration charges will beupdated as per the information received from publishers.
  • Research Student Author - Those authors who are currently pursuing Ph.D., Masters or Bachelor’s degree in a research organization/university comes under this category.
  • At least one author per submissionmust register for conference. If a co-author wants to attend the conference, they will have to register as a participant.
  • Event is maintained and managed by JECRC FOUNDATION.
  • Bank Details:
    • Payee: Jaipur Enginering College and Research Centre
      Bank Name: HDFC Bank
      Account Number:50200006658098
      IFSC Code:HDFC0001437